Monday, November 21, 2011


My last assignment was Animal, because I think Animals are not that important to me, and there was  another assignment that was more important and I did them first then I left Animal assignment to the end. It was night day when I took this picture, plus  this dog it's not my dog it's my cousin dog he is so in love with dogs. So it was good thing because I can take photo to his dogs.

Fstop: f/5
Exposure: 1/60 sec

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Visual Dictionary

For the Visual assignment was really important because we have to bring three pictures that have same or different meaning and describe them  as the photo it's showing. we used Photoshop for this assignment too.


For this assignment we had to use Photoshop and bring three different pictures that's makes it one meaning when you bring them all together.This assignment wasn't that hard even it didn't took that long. After you complete the assignment you will find that funny picture you made, and i think was good thing to learn because you find good way to bring three pictures In one photo and become one meaning.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Context Assignment

Context was the most funny assignment we did, but in the same time was hard to do. First you should thing what kind of pictures your going to choose. Second you should save the pictures that you going to downloads them from Google or somewhere else, then crop , cope them and paste the shape you crop to the photo you choose to be the best. This assignment took more than 2 days to get it done. Plus we changed to much things until we get a nice context photo. So I thing even it took that long time to finished it, at the end we found something that is really different and nice assignment to do. I think this was good assignment because we learned how to crop different pictures and made them become one picture at the end!!

Monday, October 31, 2011

Food_ assignment

My favorite thing is food especially italian spaghetti with spices. I did a little bit of model  on the top of the spaghetti to be more delicious when you eat it!! And we add some meat then we mix it with spaghetti. It was really delicious to eat.

Exposure:1/60 second

Black and white_assignment

I choose this picture because I like fake frog. Plus this picture has some action how the frog are happy and Infiltration one over one. I also choose it with black and white because I think not always our life should be colorful.

F-stop: f/8
Exposure: 1/60 sec

Monday, October 24, 2011

Panorama assignment

I choice this picture because it shows more about panorama assignment. First you could see all the things are going around the library like rooms, office disk  and how people are moving as normal.This photo take a long time to become one photo because I took 4 pictures than I add them to adobe Photoshop  and it become one photo as your seeing.This was good assignment to learn because is teach you how to connect spread photo and make them become one!.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Photo assignment 2_Macro

 At second assignment  I decide to do Marco because, I like when someone take photo
and how he focus inside one thing if it's flowers, animals and something else. I took this picture
afternoon around 3:30pm it was really sunny day so which is good because i don't have to
use flash for the picture. I choose this picture because it focus at one thing.

               ISO= 80

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Photo Assignment 1 _ People

I choose this people assignment because I think people are very important in our life. This picture shows you how people can be happy. For the first reason I choose this picture because  the girl in the picture she's my  cousin, Second it show the nature at all steps, like trees , grass, plus the emotion of the photo. There is many  different emotions in this photo  that you can see.

exposure 1/80 sec
 with out flash

Friday, October 7, 2011

Car demo

This photo show  the car before I  fix it, how is was looking like. At first was not that much nice. Because to many thing were going  around it. Like people, colors and other stuff. So i decide to change all that things and make it  nicer than how it's showing. At first I crop the picture then I changed the color of the car to a little bit more darker red, also I made background of the car black . which make it more clear  and  nice. After I  complete all the steps, down from this photo it's shows you how the photo it's looking like.

This photo is after I  fix it. I think it's more nice than before because to many
details change from before to  after. First the man who were standing at the back
of the car which made car looking not will. Second thing was the
background with numbers and writings which make's the car show awful.
I think this was good think to learn because if you  want to remove all those
things you have idea  to do it now.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Motion demo

What I learned in Motion demo assignment that motion can change as speed go higher the picture will be darker. But as speed get lower the picture show more brighter. I glad i learned this assignment or my picture will be to dark.That was good lesson to learn.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Compsition assignment

Assignment Description
In this assignment it's help you how to take good photos with different ways.
First thing you should take more than 8 pictures for one example, and chose "one" of the best 8 pictures. Than you should take the first picture of rule of third than others that help the pictures become more interesting.

Lines "a Hi word with many lines and colors"

Depth of field" a brown sandals with little beads on the top "

Color" a green box with two red and orange circles"

Balance "a black chair next to wait wall"

Pattern" a big building with sun shining at the windows "

Space" a orange marker on big white board "

Perspective" a girl wearing purple jacket and seeding on table"

farming" a gold nickles inside it a gold statue for winner"

Symmetry" a long hallway with many lockers in both sides"

Texture" a white wall with many lines inside it "

Rule of thirds" a tree with green leaves "

I learned to many things from this assignment, first I learn how to use PhotoShop , and blogger. Also there are many different ways to make your pictures look's better in each step.

The biggest thing I learned it's how to use camera with many different elements and ideas. plus its was more interested to know how to take pictures with many shapes.