Friday, October 7, 2011

Car demo

This photo show  the car before I  fix it, how is was looking like. At first was not that much nice. Because to many thing were going  around it. Like people, colors and other stuff. So i decide to change all that things and make it  nicer than how it's showing. At first I crop the picture then I changed the color of the car to a little bit more darker red, also I made background of the car black . which make it more clear  and  nice. After I  complete all the steps, down from this photo it's shows you how the photo it's looking like.

This photo is after I  fix it. I think it's more nice than before because to many
details change from before to  after. First the man who were standing at the back
of the car which made car looking not will. Second thing was the
background with numbers and writings which make's the car show awful.
I think this was good think to learn because if you  want to remove all those
things you have idea  to do it now.

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